Vipon is Here: What It Means For You

Vipon is Here: What It Means For You

Hey shoppers, we’ve got big news! The ART Deals Community is now officially renamed Vipon.

That’s Vipon, pronounced Veep-on. As in, you are our VIP shoppers, our beloved Veeps, and we want you to get access to all the great coupons for discounts and deals you can.

We’ll answer some of your most pressing questions straight away:

Can I Still Use ART?

Yes! Our website works exactly the same way it did yesterday. You shop on the products page, request discount or free products you’d love to try, and then our sellers approve you for vouchers.

Need a refresher course on using our deals site?

Here’s how to use the Vipon dashboard to receive great products straight to your door at huge discounts.

Why the Name Change?

As you know, Amazon recently updated its Terms of Service around reviews. We’ve worked with an Amazon team to make sure our site is fully in compliance with what they require.

That means you are not required to review any product you receive from our deals site.

And it also meant changing our name from AMZ Review Trader to the ART Deals Community at first, and now for good to Vipon.

Will Things Change in the Future?

Yes! Absolutely. But only in good ways. We are always looking for ways to improve our shopping community, for both greater discounts and cooler products for our shoppers, and a better experience with shoppers for our sellers.

One thing we’ll start offering is social sharing.

That’s sharing what you think of products anywhere you already connect with people. You may even start growing an audience on YouTube or a personal blog who follow your product reviews — and turn it into a part-time gig! Learn more about social sharing here.

What Do I Have To Do?

Nothing! Well…except shop!

Just remember you’ll be shopping on, instead of But if you forget, we’ll bring you straight there anyway!

And don’t worry as you see our Facebook and email addresses updating to match Vipon over the next few days.

It’s the same great community with the same great deals.

So what can you do? Keep shopping!

Go Shopping on Vipon Now!

Keep supporting the emerging small business owners who want to get their products in the hands of real customers, and who are thankful for our dedicated shopper community that is giving them a chance.

Our mission remains the same:

Vipon is an online Main Street — It’s where real small business owners can get their products in the hands of shoppers who care, and share.