The Brand New Vipon Website is Now Live!

We’ve been spending the last few months getting ready for the exciting new Vipon launch.

So what’s new?

The website has had a total redesign from top to bottom which you are sure to love. The new design makes it easier to navigate the site, and the way products are now displayed optimizes them so that you see the best deals first out of the thousands that are out there on Vipon. In addition, you can directly search for any item you are looking for, meaning you will spend less time browsing to find the thing you want!

A really great new addition to the site is that of a section we will use to bring you personalized deals. We thought it was important to introduce a feature like this so that our users can save time browsing through the thousands of deals on Vipon, and see more results relevant to them. We’ll do this by using your coupon request history to display products that we think you will like. At the moment this is just based on your coupon history, but in the future, users will be able to edit this to add categories they like. This will be your ‘go-to’ place to instantly see deals that will likely interest you more than others. This will be your ‘go-to’ place to instantly see deals that will likely interest you more than others.

Those extra special deals will keep coming in the form of the Weekly Hot Deals, and the blog section will receive more attention as we bring you even better money saving tips and product reviews. What’s more, we will be featuring professional product reviews written by people who have real experience using the particular product you are reading about. This will benefit you by arming you with all the information you need about a product – from a shopper just like you – so you can make an informed choice.

Not only this, but products will be updated on a more regular basis and new sections will bring you the best discounted items out there, as well as Weekly Top Deals showing you the top 10 best-sellers on Vipon each week.

It’s exciting, it’s new, it’s not to be missed. There is something for everyone, and super savings to be made. Check it out now to pick up the best deals Vipon has to offer.

See you soon!

Vipon Team

Let’s Make a Plan for Mothers Day

Mothers Day is around the corner and we all know she deserves the best. What are you planning to do this Mothers Day? Every year, millions of families across the world take to the cities, parks, and beaches to celebrate the Day of Mothers. You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg in order to have a Grade A adventure on Mothers Day. What makes this day special is your creativity, and passion for building a stronger bond. Like they say, “The Best Things in Life are Free”. If you are looking for some surefire ways to save money on Mothers Day, keep reading…

Have a Special Private Dinner at Home

Nothing beats having a deliciously cooked meal in the comfort of your own home. The privacy, and intimacy of your home can set the tone for a great night. Not only will you save money but delicious leftovers might be in your future. Spark a few candles, and lay out the full spread. Make sure you go big. A great way to surprise your mother is to throw in a special gift at the end of the night.

Enjoy Creative Activities

Enjoying activities as a family is a great way to pass the time and save money. The more creative you can be, the better time you will have. Take for example lunch on the beach. An assortment of sandwiches, and snacks can last a whole day on the beach, and cost virtually nothing. Don’t forget to bring along a waterproof Bluetooth Speaker to crank up the tunes. Staying on the beach until the sunset breaks past the horizon is a time honored activity. Have fun!

Bake a Special Creation for your Mother

Breakout the cake mix. Things are about to get sweet! Everyone loves a tasty treat. When you bake something for another person, it shows how much you love and care for them. Plan an entire ceremony around the unveiling of your cake. This micro fiesta can really turn your Mothers Day into a special evening. Take advantage of the hottest deals by giving a gift along with your cake. Something like these baking essentials will be an ironic, yet practical gift from the heart.

Choose Discounted Products on VIPON

Nothing says I love you more than a thoughtful gift from the heart. There are over 40,000 discounted products between 30%-99% off on VIPON everyday. Take advantage of these great discounts, and vouchers to give your mom the best gift possible. You will save dozens of hours and hundreds of dollars by shopping on or buy a beautiful dress as gift to mom, come check out or selection now.

Now you have the secret for enjoying Mother’s Day without breaking the bank

As a mother, you don’t have to leave it up to the kids. Mothers can also take the initiative to bake a special cake, plan a trip to the beach, search online for discounted products, and find creative ways to save money during mother’s day. This blog is just a guide. There are more ways that you can have a great time without spending too much money. Use your creativity, and everything will work out!

Best wishes,
Vipon Team.

8 Online Money-saving Tips You Should Know in 2019


No matter the salary you make or your overall household income, chances are that saving comes to your mind frequently. After all, you never know when a rainy day might come and you will have to use some of your savings fund to stay afloat. This is where savings apps and budget planning come in handy, especially with 2019 well underway.

According to statistics published by CNBC, 57% of Americans have less than $1000 in their bank accounts with many of them claiming to be in debt due to one reason or another. Saving funds quickly became a necessity due to the high-speed modern world we live in. With that in mind, let’s take a look at several online money-saving tips which can help you make ends meet in 2019 and further down the line.



  • Start a consistent savings habit: little and often is better than a lump sum

The first thing you should know about savings is that it doesn’t involve not eating or not going out ever again. Consistent saving is a great idea, especially at first. You can put small lumps of change aside and make a habit out of it.

Pat Fredshaw, head of the content department at Essay Supply had this to say on the matter: “We have a small plate next to the front door and we all try to put a few coins into it on a daily basis. At the end of the month, we tally up what we’ve gathered and put it into the family piggy-bank, satisfied with our spending restraint.”


  • Buy in bulk: make use of discounts on bulk buys

Buying goods in bulk is much cheaper than buying a single product at a time. This is especially true for supermarket goods and general household necessities. You can save a lot of money each month by visiting the local market once or twice a month and buying goods in bulk. The same logic can be applied to second-hand clothing, fresh fruit, and vegetables as well as other expendable goods.


  • Sign up to rewards cards: make money for being a loyal customer

Reward cards can provide you not only with discounts but free goods altogether. Retail establishments such as Starbucks and McDonald’s offer very tempting loyalty programs for recurring customers.

Veronica Wright, a CEO of was quoted recently: “I’ve made sure that our company offers loyalty discounts and incentives for recurring clients to come back for more services. This has created a great second-hand revenue source for us, making the loyalty program’s existence a no-brainer.”

Collect stamps, points or whatever your favorite store has on offer on a regular basis. Reward cards can provide you with a nice plan B in terms of non-monetary savings. Cash in on your loyalty by using the reward cards in smart ways, especially when you are short on funds.


  • Add a budgeting app on your phone: no more impulse buys

Thanks to the online revolution of the previous few years in terms of mobile application development, budgeting apps have become commonplace. Apps such as Mint and Wally are perfectly suited for small-time savings management as well as to help you keep track of debts and payments.

These apps are perfectly suited for impulse buyers and individuals who generally don’t think twice before buying something they like at first glance. Make sure to install an app of your choice and use it on a regular basis to get a hold of your spending and saving habits quickly.


  • Monthly vs. annual charges: make use of lower annual charges for services

On-demand services such as Netflix or Lynda can become notorious if you want to keep track of your spending. They are particularly problematic if your savings take a hit because of a monthly fee or two you have pending. This can be avoided by using services which offer annual flat fees for their clients’ convenience.

You will not only breathe easier by paying once for a year in advance but you will also save a ton of money in doing so. This is because services often offer very lucrative discounts for customers who commit to them for extended periods.



  • Purchase last year’s range: pay less for clothes that you still love

Depending on your fashion sense and the social circles you frequent, you can skip new clothing lines and opt for last year’s models. After all, no one will force you to wear the latest and greatest fashion lines, especially with money-saving troubles looming over you.

As we’ve previously mentioned, you can also check out local second-hand shops and discover very cool and well-kept clothing for a fraction of the price. Be a patient customer when it comes to clothing and apparel – your wallet will thank you for it immensely.


  • Monitor flash sales: add big purchases and holidays to your cart, and signup for alerts

Flash sales can be great money-savers depending on what websites you like to buy from. Popular sales website such as Amazon feature flash deals, discounts, bulk deals, and last-minute sales campaigns almost daily.

Jessica Fender, a chief marketing officer at Online writers rating spoke on the matter: “We realize that flash deals and one-time discounts work wonders for online customers. It’s why we have very appealing, affordable and quality services on offer very frequently at competitive prices.”

Be sure to follow several websites in whichever item category you like and make sure to subscribe to email alerts. While you may not have your dream accessory or house appliance tomorrow, you might have it a week or two down the line for chunk change compared to the original price.


  • Shop on comparison sites: save money on holidays, phones, etc.

Lastly, you should never make an online purchase without considering a comparison with other websites. Platforms such as Google Shopping are equipped to showcase competitive price ranges for items you may be interested in.

You can use this data to make a more informed and affordable decision when it comes to saving some money while shopping. Comparison websites show their true value during holiday sales seasons so make sure to keep checking for new offers every now and then.


In Conclusion

Combining these tips in 2019 and beyond should leave you with a hefty savings fund to look forward to. Think twice before making any purchase decision online, especially with so many competing websites and storefronts out there.

Before you know it, you will have a personal money-saving system to fall back on any time you become short on funds. Spend less today so that you can feel safer with your monetary wellbeing tomorrow. And don’t forget to check out some of our amazing Amazon deals while you are here at VIPON !

Best Wishes,

Written by James Daily


Save over Spring Break – A Holiday for the Whole Family


Turns out Spring Break isn’t just for the kids after all! Grab your swim gear, slather on the sunscreen, and let’s party!

But wait, isn’t spring break supposed to be expensive?

Not at all…

Although the holiday might make you think of expensive airline tickets and hotel reservations, there are actually plenty of active and affordable ways to spend your Spring Break without breaking the bank. Before hitting the road make sure you check out these top tips to save on Spring Break this year, have a great time, and make some memories with the whole family.



Let’s have a look at a few of useful apps first.

  • Hopper – Analyze information from thousands of flights with this flight price forecasting APP, simply plug in your date and destination and Hopper’s deep learning algorithm will try to estimate the cheapest time to buy your ticket.


  • Tripit – Compile your travel itinerary in one convenient place, you can enter your travel costs and Tripit will automatically create a budget and saving plan for your holiday.


  • Cool Cousin – Connect with local tour guides all around the world. Your local guide will happily show you around the city of your choice, give you an authentic (and hopefully cheaper) experience.



And now for a few saving rules in general…

  • Don’t forget to check online!

It may seem obvious but don’t forget to look for deals on local restaurants and activities no matter where you end up, during peak holiday season all sorts of businesses love to begin advertising online and it’s the perfect time to find some bargains.


  • Always Compare Prices!

Spring break is a competitive time in the tourism industry. Hundreds of companies will be fighting for your attention and business. Don’t forget to compare prices and if you get the chance, try speaking to customer support and playing companies against each other to find a better deal.



  • Take advantage of last minute discounts!

The majority of people will tell you to book your holidays way in advance in order to secure the largest savings. However, if you aren’t the type to worry too much about where you’re going, you can wait until the last minute to find some fantastic savings and discounts on travel.


  • Plan & Research everything

Somewhat counter intuitive to our last point, even if you are planning to leave the actual booking of your holiday till the last minute then it still might not be a terrible idea to research and plan possible vacation venues. Have kids? Find out what restaurants offer family or group meal discounts? Grandpa and Grandma coming along? Make sure you make full use of that seniors discount.



  • Focus on yourself and not the kids!

Make sure to pick a destination that you and your spouse or friends are going to enjoy. Kids are easy to please and will be just as happy building sandcastles on a small scenic beach as they will be on a $2000+ trip to disneyland. Children are often happiest when their parents are happy too, pick somewhere that’s good fit for the grownups before giving into the whim of the kids.


Best wishes,
The Vipon Team.


5-Step Guide to Reduce Your Home Energy Spending in 2019


Reducing your home energy costs isn’t as complicated as you might think, huge savings can be accomplished from simple changes you can easily start making yourself, there’s really no reason not to start today!

Start reducing your energy cost today to see a huge impact on your yearly spending and do your part towards reducing your impact on the planet.



  • Heating & Cooling.


The #1 culprit for excess spending around the house has always been heating & cooling.

  • Air conditioning and heating systems are expensive to run and care should always be taken not to waste them.
  • Ceiling fans can be used as a cheap alternative to AC, circulating air will keep your home fresh and cool without the high costs air conditioning brings.
  • Convection powered heating fans can be used with traditional hot stoves and open fires to circulate warm air effectively around the home.
  • Thick ‘blackout’ curtains can be used to insulate your houses windows, trap heat during the winter & cool air during the summer.
  • Programmable thermostats can be used to keep the temperature in your home regulated reducing costs over time.


  • Long live the LED, incandescent is dead.


If you are still using regular incandescent lighting in 2019 then this is for you.

  • LED lighting uses on average 90% less energy than traditional incandescent lighting.
  • LED lighting experiences less malfunctions, requires less replacement, and has a longer average lifespan per product.
  • LED lighting lasts on average 10x longer than it’s incandescent brother.



  • Insulate Everything!


Households can lose up to a third of their total heat through badly insulated window frames, roofs, and doors.

  • Talk to your local contractor to find out more about how you can start weather proofing and insulating your house.
  • Simple changes usually include insulating window edges with caulk.
  • Double pane glass is an amazing insulator and will go away towards reducing leaks.
  • Doors & windows can be lined with draft protectors to create a tight seal and prevent leaks.


  • Conservative Kitchen Cooking is Key.


That sure is a mouthful to say! Take a bite out of your energy spending by changing the way you cook and use your kitchen.

  • Convection over conventional. Studies show that convection ovens use up to 20% less energy when compared to conventional ovens that do not circulate their air.
  • Reheat in the microwave, although we don’t recommend using it for every meal your microwave uses 80% less energy than your conventional oven and is perfect for reheating food, soups, and leftovers.
  • Pressure cookers and crock pots are your friends. Covered pressurised cooking reduces the energy required and tastes delicious! There are thousands of easy recipes available online.



  • Take advantage of new low-flow toilet technology.


Advances in toilet technology have led to some fantastic opportunities to save on energy spending.

  • Low-flow showerheads & rain style showers use significantly less water compared to bathing and traditional showers.
  • Dual-flush toilets allow the user to select a heavy or light flush depending on the ‘package’.
  • Low-flow toilets use up to 50% less water than traditional toilets making them the biggest opportunity to save on water in the household. They work by using pressurized flushing systems or powerful vacuum chambers.



Alright everyone, that wraps up our top tips for energy saving around the home in 2019. We hope you continue to have a fantastic frugal year. And don’t forget to check out some of our amazing Amazon deals while you are here at VIPON !


Peace & Love

The Vipon Team


The Three Rules of Pet Saving

We love our furry four-legged friends here at Vipon, but they sure are expensive! Our office doggo GoGo is constantly barking for new treats and toys, even after his long walks around the city. With thousands of pet products and fads on offer, it can be hard to decide what’s necessary spending and what isn’t so we’ve put together our short guide on our essential pet spending tips and tricks.

Here’s our guide to smart pet spending. Lets keep our four-legged friends as happy as our wallets will be after seeing these incredible saving opportunities.


Rule #1 – Don’t Follow The Herd.

Saving is a state of mind You can’t jump on every pet fad and trend without thinking how it will affect you wallet. We are looking at you expensive geometric hairstyles!


Nutritional fads such as grain free food or 100% meat diets may seem attractive but will create additional costs you want to avoid. Before starting your pet on any diet you should do you research and contact your veterinarian to ensure the safety of your pet.


Grooming trends such as ‘pawdicure’ and fur-dying are also probably worth skipping, these expensive procedures, while looking great, are often not worth the cost and in the worst case scenario can damage your pet’s health. We recommend steering clear of this garish animal fashion altogether, and sticking to relaxing home grooming.


Rule #2 – Spend Smarter On Food.


Finding, Feeding, Preparing  – We know you guys are already adept online shoppers, so when buying pet food make sure to check out your favourite online retailers and stores. Amazon is a fantastic place to buy bulk pet food for cheap prices and you already know you can find some fantastic discounts here with Vipon.

Remember to always buy in bulk! Pet food is made to last for months, maybe even years. Dry food can have an especially long lifetime.


Compare Serving Sizes – Often high-quality pet food brands will require a much smaller serving size due to the fact that they contain more of the nutrients and fuel your pet needs. In addition to this, overfeeding your pet is dangerous and can be extremely detrimental to their long term health. Make sure you check nutritional values or you’ll end up with a Tubby Tom Cat or a Chubby Chihuahua.


Rule #3 – Avoid The Vet!


Know When To Go – We aren’t saying don’t go to the vet if your pet’s sick! Of course if your pet has a medical condition seeking professional assistance should be the first thing on your mind. However, when it comes to buying treats, food, toys and even medication you can potentially save thousands of dollars a year shopping outside your vet’s office.


Make Your Own Toys – There are thousands of resources available online for cunning crafty types to make their own pet toys and games. Take advantage of this wealth of resources and information by making your own fun and saving a few dollars at the same time.


Make Your Own Treats – The same as the toys, a quick search online reveals too many diy pet treat recipes and guides to count! If you prefer the kitchen over the workshop then this might be the more attractive choice to you.




Brush Their Teeth!!! –  Looking back on GoGo’s pet expenses over the years nothing has cost us more than his teeth! Expensive vet appointments, operations, medication, follow-ups and so much more – what a headache! – If you only pay attention to one tip in this whole article then let it be this. Brush your pet’s teeth, pay attention to their health, and groom them to enjoy a happy life time together.



We hope you and all your animal buddies are having a fantastic time and can learn to save together thanks to these helpful pet saving tips and tricks.


Much love,
The Vipon Team.

Love shouldn’t cost a thing, save more on valentines


When we think of Valentine’s Day we think of chocolates, expensive dinners, wine, flowers, and giant soft toys – it’s no surprise that the average American will spend an average of $140 on their partner every year!

We don’t think love should be based on how much you spend, if you are looking for ways to cut costs in this New Year then here’s our guide to having a fun and romantic valentines day without blowing your budget.



Here are our top 5 ideas for Valentine’s savings. Keep the fire alive in your relationship and the balance healthy in your bank account.


  • Skip it!

Although this might not be the answer you are looking for, a lot can be said about rescheduling your celebration of love. Candy and similar Valentine’s Day items are likely to see huge discounts after the date. Take the day off and set a date in the future to take advantage of all that cheap candy and chocolate.


  • Home cooking.

Instead of shelling out for the usual restaurant experience and being rolled by expensive “holiday special” menus why not find an interesting recipe you both would love to cook together. Time spent in the kitchen together can reinforce relationships, build trust, and you might even get an edible meal from it.



  • Home spa.

This idea involves stocking up on some relatively cheap facial scrubs and masks and pampering the night away. Share stories treat each other to foot rubs, oil treatments, and back massages and you will be seeing the romance in no time at all. There are many recipes for homemade scrubs and treatments available online.


  • DIY present.

Show your love with a custom handmade gift – it can be anything from a painting to a coupon book, or even an old school mixtape (maybe a Soundcloud mix?). You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars to show someone you love them, just some well-spent time and effort will go a long way to showing how much you care.



  • Hunt for coupons.

Start preparing early and search sites for activity coupons and giveaways – if you are looking for gift coupons then there is no better place than Vipon, but, there are also hundreds of sites out there that offer discounts on relaxing day spa’s, couples activities, and more.



Whatever you choose to do this Valentine’s Day, we hope you do it with love in your heart. Have an amazing day, and if you haven’t found someone to share it with yet, don’t worry, you still have plenty of time!


Best Wishes & Much Love – The Vipon Team


Budgeting and New Year’s Resolutions


— New Year’s resolutions are a fantastic way to begin addressing your finances and start saving. Let’s make 2019 a year of financial stability, set solid goals and improve our quality of life together. —



We are all used to making New Year’s resolutions, no more junk food, quit smoking, exercise more – sometimes we keep them, sometimes we don’t – This year we want to help you make a resolution – and keep it – that will affect all aspects of your life in a positive way.


Good budgeting and financial restraint reach much further into our lives than just our wallet. It gives us a sense of security for the future, reduces anxiety, and develops logical and organized thinking.


Make sure you go into 2019 with the right mindset for financial freedom and peace of mind.


Split Up That Christmas Bonus


  • Often we receive relatively large sums of money around Christmas time, from presents to bonuses, and gifts. We like to use the rule of thirds to split up these amounts and make sure we don’t splurge it all on eggnog in one night.


  • The rule goes as follows, one-third goes to past debts, one-third goes to treating yourself in the present, and one-third goes into saving for the future. Just think of ‘A Christmas Carol’s’ three ghosts and you won’t have any trouble remembering.


Ditch The Credit Cards


  • Credit cards are a recipe for disaster, they offer quick and easy purchases with no immediate negative impact on your finances. It’s easy to rack up hundreds of dollars of debt if you don’t keep an eye on those credit balances and find yourself spiraling out of control.


  • We recommend keeping one hidden at the bottom of your darkest deepest sock drawer and using it only for real emergencies. Don’t spend what you don’t have! Carrying cash only will reduce impulse purchases and force you to budget your weekly walking-around money.


Stick To A Budget


  • Budgeting doesn’t mean creating pages and pages of fancy bar graphs and charts. You can make a good start by writing down your monthly expected spendings on everyday items such as food and household supplies and working out an amount to save month-on-month.


  • There are thousands of Apps available to help you budget and plan your savings, spend a night downloading them and finding out which ones suit your lifestyle. Even a small effort made towards planning future spending and savings will make you more mindful of your spending.



Put Together An Emergency Fund


  • Surprise expenses always come at the worst times. Whether it’s a car repair, medical bills, or god forbid losing your job we want to be ready for these surprise spendings without it affecting our monthly budget.


  • A good rule of thumb is to add up your monthly spendings – which we should have already put together in our budget – and multiply that number by three. This money will assure we can get through rough months without worrying about losing our basic conveniences.


Cook More, Takeout Less


  • Takeouts may be yummy but those expenses add up fast. The average American eats an average of 4.2 commercially prepared meals per week, that’s a whopping 18.2 meals per month for a total average of $232/month!


  • Cooking is a lifelong skill that is rewarding to learn and share with your loved ones. You can impress potential partners, treat your family, or just prepare wholesome comfort food for yourself when you’re feeling down. Save more and develop a skill that will prove it’’s worth time and time again.


Generate Some Side Income


  • Developing extra income is a fantastic way to spend your spare time and boost your monthly earnings. Even an extra $100-$200 a month can go great lengths in helping pay rent, groceries or paying off past debts.


  • Find a profitable skill that you can work on in your spare time – bonus points if it’s a creative skill – There’s nothing more rewarding than developing and mastering your own skills while also bolstering your financial situation.



Don’t Forget To Always Check Vipon


  • As always there are hundreds of thousands of discount coupons available on, make sure to always check for any purchases here before buying them at full price.


  • Saving even a little slowly adds up and you will quickly see the effects in your monthly budgets and savings.


New Year’s Resolutions can be hard to keep, but let’s keep these ones together and build a solid financial future for ourselves and our families.


We hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Much Love,

The Vipon Team

Christmas Sweepstakes Instructions and Rules


Welcome to Vipon Christmas Sweepstakes!   

Please carefully follow the instructions to enter. Entries that do not match our requirements will be disqualified.

  1. Valid products must be purchased with coupons from the Christmas Deals Special Section between 12.5th-12.20th , products found on other areas of the site will not count towards this competition. You will need to provide proof of purchase when you submit your entry into the competition.
  2.  Amazon Login is required. Application is limited to one entry per Amazon account, email address or Vipon account per day. Limited to one entry per order.
  3.  Please carefully fill out your contact email and Vipon account information so we can get in touch.
  4.  Please carefully submit the screenshot of your Amazon order and the corresponding Vipon Link. Make sure you have included all relevant information.
  5. In order to prevent manipulation of the competition, returned products will not be valid for entry into this contest.

Here’s an example of the screenshot of the Amazon order and corresponding Vipon URL & coupon code:




Official Rules:


The Vipon Christmas Jackpot 2018 begins at 01:00 AM EST on December 5, 2018, and ends at 11:59 PM EST on December 20, 2018.

  1. HOW TO ENTER: To enter the sweepstakes, please follow all instructions and complete the online entry form by the end date and time above.Limited to one entry per Amazon account, email address or Vipon account per day. Limited to one entry per order. Excess entries are void and may disqualify all previous entries. No automated entries will be accepted.In order to prevent manipulation of the competition, returned products will not be valid for entry into this contest.
  2. PRIZE: $2,000 CASH (one winner, payment by PayPal)  
  3. DRAWING: Vipon will select the Winner for the prize in a random drawing (powered by third party site “”) from all eligible entries, the drawing will be held at least thirty (30) days after competition end and no later than forty-five (45) days following the sweepstakes’ end. The Winner will be notified by email. Failure to respond to the email notification within ten (10) days will result in the disqualification and we will select a new winner from the pool. The prize is guaranteed to be delivered within ninety (90) days of the end of the sweepstakes. Odds of winning depend on the total number of entries received. All decisions made by Vipon in regard to this sweepstakes are final and binding.
  4. General: Each Winner is responsible for all taxes, expenses on receipt, and additional costs associated with the use of the prize received. Limited to one prize per household, person, or email address. Except where prohibited by law, entry constitutes permission to use each Winner’s name, hometown, and likeness for online posting, and/or any advertising and publicity without additional compensation. By participating, entrants agree to be bound by these rules. By accepting the prize, each Winner releases the sponsor, its affiliates, advertising, promotion, and production agencies, and all companies providing prize from any and all liability for any loss, harm, damages, costs or expenses, including without limitation any data loss, property damage, personal injury, and/or death arising out of participating in this sweepstakes or the acceptance, use, or misuse of any prize.
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Amazon, without any doubt, is one of the major online shopping platforms out there. It is used by millions of people all over the globe to shop anything under the sun online and get them delivered at their doorsteps. It offers enhanced convenience for people who cannot go out to shop as they can order anything right from the comfort of their home.

On the flipside, this blessing comes with a side-effect as well. Due to lucrative deals available at Amazon, people tend to get carried away and end up overspending. Thus, their budget disturbs greatly. If you are guilty of online shopping more than you require and want to save money on Amazon purchases, we have got your back. This article sheds light on effective ways you can follow to save money while shopping on Amazon. Continue reading!

Keep a Tab on Today’s Deals

Daily deals offered at Amazon is a great way to go on an online shopping spree while keeping your budget in check. Keep checking the deal of the day on daily basis. Who knows you may find the items you were looking to buy for a long time at the cheapest rates.

Subscribe and Save Program

It another great way to save money while online shopping on Amazon. You can earn discounts by signing up to this program and buy the products you require at cheaper rates. With this program, you can also get free shipping facility; thus, double the bonanza as you can save shipping and order cost both by signing up to this program.

Subscribe to Amazon Prime

You may have this question how Amazon Prime links to saving money on Amazon shopping when its subscription costs $99 annually. Don’t worry as we have got the answer for you. Not many people are aware of the fact that they can save money by subscribing Amazon Prime’s free trial. During this 30-day trial period, users can enjoy special discounts on Amazon shopping. The added bonus here is that you can also get a two-day free shipping benefit. It is important to know that this offer can be availed for one time only and make sure you have canceled the subscription before the free trial ends otherwise you will be charged the annual subscription amount on your card.

Use Amazon for Donation Purposes

You can not only use Amazon for online shopping but donating to any cause you support as well. This can help you to save money on donations you make separately. Wondering how? if you are using this platform to make donations, 0.5% of your total order’s value will be donated to the cause you are supporting. It is to be noted that not all products listed on Amazon are eligible for donation. Thus, you need to visit to see the eligible products. When it comes to charities and causes, there are millions to choose from on Amazon.

Amazon Student Account

As the name suggests, this one is for students. By creating an Amazon student account, you can enjoy special features and benefits for a 6-month period. These benefits include two-day shipping free of cost and unlimited photo storage etc. The benefits will not end even after the trial period has ended as your upgradation to Amazon Prime account will be halved as well.

Put Your Old Stuff to Use

Who knew their old stuff can come to use in such an effective, money-saving way!

Amazon offers trade-in option for people. You can send your old products to Amazon and receive gift cards in returns. These gift cards can then be redeemed for online shopping on Amazon and getting a discount on your desired products.

Amazon Store Card

This is an easy way of saving money while online shopping on Amazon. There is no requirement to explore different deals, look for a discount or use a coupon to save money by following this method. If you are a regular shopper on Amazon, you must have at this cost. It literally costs nothing as there is no annual fee. The basic advantage of this card is that you save 5% on anything you buy.

Save For Later

Sometimes waiting can prove to be useful! Same is the case here. This is another trick you can use to buy a product at discounted rates. If you have ticked saved for a later option for a product, Amazon will keep you notified about its availability on lowered rates. So, all those products that you do not require on urgent basis, use save for later option and get them at discounted rates.


It is an Amazon deal site. Considered to be the most reliable sites, you can save quite a lot of money (50% – 99% off) if you are a frequent Amazon shopper. This site features of thousands of products in a diverse range of categories with amazing discounts. Moreover, you can find very cheap deals on VIPON.

To enjoy the discounted deals on VIPON, all you have to do is to create an account, which is extremely easy to make. Once you have made an account, just sign in and explore numerous products to buy them at the cheapest possible rates. Right from household products to electronics, tech gadgets to beauty products, clothing to books, you can find them all at VIPON. This website is no less than a blessing for avid Amazon shoppers as they can buy anything they want without burning a hole in their pockets.

A Final Word

There you have it! These are some of the tried and tested ways to buy the items you desire at the rates you are willing to pay. The most useful out of the lot is creating an account on VIPON. It is fun to use, addictive, and of course, every shoppers’ paradise. Hurry, create an account on VIPON, and get 50% – 99% off on thousands of products.