12 Secrets of Super Supermarket Savings

“Why do I always spend so much at the supermarket?” This question is asked countless times by countless others every day.

No matter how hard you try it seems like you’re always just a teeny bit over budget. Don’t worry Vipon is here to help you save money offline as well!

We have put together a list of some of our favorite hint & tips to help you save more on your weekly shop.

1. Never go food shopping when you are hungry. When we are hungry our mood changes, we make bad decisions, and we end up with a shopping basket full of chocolate cookies.

2. If there is a chance to buy in bulk then take it! Stock up when you see a deal and plan for the future. Having a cellar full of tinned tomatoes might raise an eyebrow from some of your friends but at least you’re prepared for anything!

3. Watch use-by dates carefully and freeze food that will be going out of date. The more you can reduce your food wastage the more you will save.

4. Shop around! Don’t just trust that your local Costco has the best deals, get out there and start comparing. Big chains are often very competitive with their pricing and you will definitely find some great deals.

5. Create a list of the top 20 things you buy every week and compare prices in your local stores. Smaller independent stores may be willing to adjust prices in order to keep your business.

6. Search for easy to cook and freeze recipes. Meal prepping can save you a huge amount of money in the long run.

7. Find a local butcher and try to buy non-pre-packaged meat. It’s often cheaper and better quality than its supermarket cousin.

8. Find out when the veggies you like are in season. Vegetables will often be placed on sale or cheaper when they are plentiful.

9. Create a herb garden! Not only is this a great hobby but it also will give you an almost endless supply of one of the top 10% most expensive shopping items.

10. Join store loyalty programs and sign up for VIP cards wherever you can.

11. Plan your meals for the week and create a concise shopping list. knowing when and what you are going to eat means less mid-week shops for missing items and fewer impulse buys.

12. Coupons! Write to your favorite brands and ask for coupons, cut them out of magazines, download them from the internet. Coupons will always be one of the most effective ways to find the best discount online and offline.

We hope this helps you to save a little more every day. Don’t forget to check out some of our amazing Amazon discounts and coupon codes while you are here!