7 Simple Ways to Live the Good Life on a Budget
The Rolling Stones said, “You can’t always get what you want.”
And they’re right – especially if you’re on a budget. But you know what? You still deserve to live the good life. That’s why in today’s article, we’re going to give you 7 tips to get that luxury feel… without breaking the bank.
- Use Coconut Oil
Coconut oil smells and tastes amazing. Plus, it’s one of the most useful natural substances on the planet!
It can moisturize your skin, making it soft and smooth. It can condition your hair, making it look like you just spent a fortune at a high-end salon. It can make your teeth whiter, fight infections, improve wound healing, boost bone health, and more.
Plus, it’s delicious to cook with! All for an extremely low and affordable price.

- Get Massages and Hair Cuts From Students
We all store tension in our bodies and massage is a great way to get it out. Unfortunately, it’s very expensive, with many masseuses charging $75 per hour at a minimum! That is, unless you go to a massage school.
Here, students are learning their technique, and are looking for someone to practice on. Although it probably won’t be as good as a professional, it will only cost a fraction of the price. Some schools will even give hour long massages for as low as $20!
The same technique works with haircuts. You can get professional cuts that would normally cost $100+ for $50 or even less.

- Rent
Whatever it is you want to buy, chances are you can rent it for a whole lot less. I’m not just talking about cars and houses. You can rent clothes, cameras, computers, skateboards… you name it.
For example, a high-end Canon camera will cost you north of $3,000. However, to use it for an entire day will generally only cost $80 – $100. A piano that costs $5,000 to buy may come to just $50 a month to rent.
- Mood Lighting
Part of getting that luxury feeling is being totally comfortable in your home. The fastest—and cheapest–way to do that is to get a few new lights. You don’t have to go crazy. There are many beautiful lights sold at Vipon for $10 – $20. When in doubt, you can always buy a string of Christmas lights to warm up any corner.
Set them up in strategic places and turn them on at night. I guarantee you will love the new feel!

- Check Facebook Events
Did you know that Facebook has a calendar? It’s true. You can use it to find thousands of events right in your area. And you can also see whether they require a ticket or are free (tons of them are free).
These events can range from painting lessons, poetry readings, art gallery strolls, lectures and more. I once attended a presentation on The Beatles. It totally changed how I view one of my favorite bands, and it was completely free!
This is a great way to meet new, like-minded friends, and get involved more in your local community.
- Buy Cubic Zirconia Jewelry
We all love the glitz and glimmer of diamonds. Yet few of us can afford to wear them regularly. Unless, of course, you buy Cubic Zirconia!
Cubic Zirconia is a man-made material that looks exactly like a diamond. And I mean exactly! In fact, when it was first invented, it was so cheap it threatened to put diamond retailers out of business.
Then diamond retailers came up with a plan. They noticed that Cubic Zirconia was actually more perfect than real diamonds. So they started saying that unless your diamond had flaws, it wasn’t worth anything!
Of course, you can only see those flaws under a high-powered jewelry microscope.
In other words, there is absolutely no way a human eye can tell the difference between a $2,000 diamond ring and a $29 cubic zirconium. So ball out!

- Drink More Water
Did you know that you’re 60% water? If you’re not getting enough, it will impact every aspect of your life. Being dehydrated, even just a little bit, can cause headaches, muscles aches, exhaustion, itchy skin, dry eyes… the list goes on and on.
Why not fill up a fresh glass right now? Take your time and enjoy it. Make sure you’re drinking enough throughout the day – especially if you like coffee (which dehydrates you). The rule of thumb is 8 glasses every day. And of course, water is free!
Closing Thoughts
As you can see, you don’t need a fortune to feel like a King or Queen. Try using these methods to get that luxury feel without feeling guilty. Meanwhile you can keep the savings and, eventually, use it for something you’ve always wanted.
Best Wishes,
The Vipon Team